AnCap Entrepreneur Network

Layers of Legitimacy in AnCap Business Models

I use the term “legitimacy” to mean “legitimate in the eyes of the State”.  I intend for this article to highlight the interaction between businesses that can operate along the lines of Agorism, completely free of State interference, and those supporting businesses that satisfy State regulations, but may supply goods and services to Agorist customers.


  1. Where is the article, or has it yet to be written?

    I think this is the biggest issue for me. If one wishes to undertake economic activities that fall within the scope of heavy state interference, will your oganization forbid businesses that comply with state rules?

    My personal view is that it is more important to build personal relationships with customers and promote our philosophy. I’ll swallow my pride and conform to every regulation that the state imposes, not because the regulations are legitimate, but because the majority of customers believes the state protects them. The real victory is getting customers to trust me more than they do the state’s minions as well as the competition. For this reason, I belive going the extra mile will be more effective. If the state requires yearly inspections of facilities, then I will have the facilities inspected twice a year or more. If the state demands reporting financial information, then I will also post it on the web for my customers to see. If I can build rapport with my customers, I can show them explicitly how the rules of the state burden them as customers and actually hurt them.

    Comment by Helio — April 1, 2011 @ 9:32 pm | Reply

    • @Helio,

      The article is yet to be written. For a taste of where my thinking is going, check the last three paragraphs of a comment I left on George Donnelly’s site, “How to Start Doing Agorism”.

      Comment by Mark — April 4, 2011 @ 4:45 pm | Reply

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